Wednesday, October 8, 2008

A new chapter

A page has turned.

The leaves have begun to fall and the corn is showing its age; fall has arrived. The hot summer days have faded with the flowers, all that’s left is the memory and remnants of what was once brightly colored and bursting with life.

It is another step away from what I once knew as my home, my family, and my children—even myself. It’s another reminder that everything has changed, and there is no going back. If I look back too often, I fear I will turn into a pillar of salt; hard, frozen in time, unable to move onto what God has prepared for me and my family.

One foot in front of the other, eyes straight forward... I am pulled by those who love me and need me to keep walking. For I know that Daniel, is with Him, and does not want to come home to us, but us to come home to him. My prayer is that God will indeed wipe away our tears, and show us His glory. That He will heal our wounds with the salve of peace, and dress it with His joy.

Prayer for today: Father, bind our wounds with your joy, and anoint us with
the peace that passes all understanding. Let the words of our mouths sing only
of your praise, and not answer the call of despair. We lay before you our
hearts, our minds, and our hands. Use them father to care for your creation, and
see your love for us.


Katie Watson said...

I still think about you alot and check your blog periodically to see how you are. Thinking of you today.

Anonymous said...

Hi Katie,

I'm so glad to know you stop by now and then. I hope your family is doing well, and that the fall wasn't as hard on you as it was for me.

Thanks for letting me know you're there.